Executive summary

Executive Summary

Established in 1985 to develop and offer specialized services for the elderly, the McGill University Research Centre for Studies in Aging (MCSA) has grown into a multi-disciplinary academic unit dedicated to gerontological research and postgraduate teaching. The MCSA research scope is broad, encompassing mechanisms of aging as well as prevention of age-associated disorders. Since its inception, the MCSA remains dedicated to transformative research and counts numerous teaching, public education, and research accomplishments. The Centre has achieved international recognition and outreach, continuously attracting students, young scientists, and international collaborators in Alzheimer’s disease research. The centre’s scientific production and visibility through many highly cited contributions attest to its excellence and world-class research positioning.

The MCSA encompasses a large research community, currently composed of 53 professors and affiliated members:

Three Faculty Clinicians

49 Unit Members

Two Post-Doctoral Fellows

Seven Ph.D. Candidates

Three Master Students

It is hosted by the Douglas Research Centre and the CIUSSS de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal. The MCSA serves as a hub between its members and an extensive network of collaborations with (currently)20 international partner centres. 

The MCSA priority research themes align with those from McGill University by:

  1. Developing knowledge and applications of technology in the digital era for elderlies

3. Advancing biomedical and health research for disease prevention.

2. Understanding the potential and challenges of the aging human brain and nervous system.

4. Strengthening public policy and organizations by knowledge dissemination in aging and dementia.